Tellison – Hope Fading Nightly

Ever since hearing a new, title-less, song with it’s catchy “Drink Red Wine” hook live (turns out it’s called ‘Helix & Ferman’), I’ve been waiting tirelessly for this album to see the light of day. Hope Fading Nightly is Tellison’s much anticipated third album, their first lp to be released via the wonderful Alcopop Records and, damn, it’s good. If you’re familiar with their previous work you’ll know to expect clever, emotional, lyrics, excellent hooks and it doesn’t disappoint in that respect. The previously mentioned ‘Helix & Ferman’, for example; it’s a great endorsement of how well written a track is when fans have been singing along for ages despite a lack of recorded version, the middle section a fitting anthem for people my age, the whole track sounding great.

I was excited to hear ‘Wrecker’,  a track previewed at solo shows for a while, as a full band recording. It’s an excellent slice of poppy rock music, well written, easy to sing along to and it’ll stick in your head for ages. I think when it comes to bands like Tellison thats an important point – I like to think of them as the band I’ll go and watch when I feel like singing my lungs out, a big group singalong. Good news then that the majority of the album works well in that respect.

The track of the album has to be closing track ‘Tsundoku’; an absolutely beautiful track, with a wonderful build up before descending into a delightful slice of indie pop, lyrically emotional with a stunning chorus. Overall then, another strong album from Tellison which, while showing a maturity with age, still remains true to their earlier records; it’s an excellent, emotional, sing your lungs out, beaut of an album that absolutely deserves your time.

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