Festival Mixtape: ArcTanGent 2015

It’s almost time again for that gathering of all music that is great, ArcTanGent. They’ve asked us to choose our ten tips for the festival in the form of a mix-tape. We were more than happy to oblige, although do feel that, given the quality of the bill, picking just ten was an incredibly hard task. Anyway, without further ado:

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Pig Latin

Fine, this track is from that short time when Mike Patton took the vocal reigns but I think it’s a good example of something between the full on, heavy as, mathy assault and the more friendly sounding (relatively!) tracks they put out. They’re an energetic spectacle on stage too, spending a lot of time in the crowd.

Deerhoof – The Perfect Me

This track’s intro is so glorious that it stuck as my ringtone for around three years. Those erratic drums, the simple synth and the childlike innocence of Satomi’s vocals come together in a few minutes of pure joy.

Chon – Story

I thought it would be a good idea to have a proper listen to some of the bands I’d not heard from the playlist prior to doing this, and Chon were one of the standout ones. The technical complexity of this track is phenomenal. I look forward to seeing them perform live at ArcTanGent.

Quadrupède – Astro

Another band I haven’t listened to prior, this electronic, loop heavy track stood out as being both complex and the kind of music that makes perfect background music. There’s so much going on during the track and yet it progresses smoothly.

The Algorithm – Autorun

I must admit, I didn’t think The Algorithm would be my kind of music, seemingly very sample based with simple but heavy riffs. I had the fortune of catching them at Nightmare on Camden High Street last year prior to The Hell and my mind was changed quickly. It’s oddly danceable considering the low tuned guitar parts, the drumming spectacular to watch. Definitely worth checking out.

Body Hound – Rhombus Now

How could you not enjoy this track? It’s all over the bloody place, the riffs seem more like they’re telling a story, the time signatures insane. How they managed to write this track is one thing, how the hell can they play it live?

Vennart – Retaliate

Well known for his previous work, Mike Vennart is bringing not one but two bands with him to ArcTanGent this year. A rare outing for his British Theatre project will be sure to stun but, based on the strength of his 2000 Trees performance, his Vennart project will be unmissable.

Emma Ruth Rundle – Run Forever

I decided to check out Emma’s music after a lot of people with impeccable taste started mentioning how great a songwriter she is. I was particularly impressed by this track, the lyrics, the vocal style and the reverb drenched guitar parts. I’m looking forward to getting the chance to hear her live – if everyone can just shh during the quiet bits though, yeah?

Talons – Monuments

Talons really excelled themselves with the release of New Topographics last year and Monuments really stood out due to the way it unrelentingly built you up, collapsed into violins and spaced out guitars and then restarted the process culminating in a colossal sound. They’re an excellent live band too, which helps.

Young Legionnaire – Twin Victory

To clear the pallet after Talons, I picked Young Legionnaire for the final song on this playlist. One of the heaviest tracks they’ve released so far, the huge riff will no doubt get the crowd moving early on before the heavy sound crashes down again and again. Excellent stuff.

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