Letters to the Editor: Slugworth – We mustn’t forget the early years

It’s unusual for us to receive written responses to our articles but, in response to the article about Slugworth yesterday, Charlotte has kindly shared an insight into the band, and specifically brother Stuart’s, past.

Good afternoon,

I hope that you don’t mind me sharing my email of reminiscing. I came across your article today and found it very interesting commenting on Slugworth and Colchester’s free festival.

I just thought I would say I am the long suffering sister (younger, I will add) of Stuart Hill, Slugworth band member. I would like to point out that they have done well over the last few years, and hats off to them well done.

We mustn’t forget the early years though. This included the constant drone of not just Stuart but my two brother’s guitar, playing Thin Lizzy, The Cure and the likes of Led Zeppelin at full blast through my bedroom wall. My poor little stereo with 99 Red Balloons playing was drowned out by the future Slugworth star.

The countless times I have watched him play even back to my school assemblies. I have always smiled through the event even though my ears drums often felt like they were experiencing a pneumatic drill invasion. My poor mum squeezing huge amplifiers into a Mini Cooper. The one thing I admire is that he enjoys performing as much as he did back in 1984 and that is the real joy to watch – a rare event today. Hope you don’t mind a little snippet from the past about them. I’m 42 now but will still be there at the Colchester festival smiling and cheering him on. But with age comes wisdom and I take earplugs now!!!!. Funny but I miss those days now.

Well done Stuart and Slugworth, lots of love, your little sis

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