Gallery: Emperor Yes, Jurassic Pop, Oxygen Thief @ The Old Blue Last, 11/06/2015

To mark the release of the new Jurassic Park film, Jurassic World, The Old Blue Last played host to the totally official* launch party, featuring Oxygen Thief, recent Fierce Panda signings (and band who were robbed of the Jurassic World music director role by Michael Giacchino) Jurassic Pop and spacey funsters Emperor Yes. I was massively impressed by Oxygen Thief, having oddly never heard his music before – it was far heavier than I expected for an acoustic musician, with clever lyrics delivered with dry humour. The band arguably most people were out to see, Jurassic Pop, performed well, showing that they can pen excellent tracks that would stand up on their own even without the (fantastic) witty lyrics. Emperor Yes rounded off the night with music which somehow manages to sound complex and yet fairly poppy, with lyrics about animals and smiles on their faces it’s hard not to grin when they perform. Here are some photos from show:

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