7Bit’s 7Best: The Great Escape #1

This weekend, Brighton will once again play host to the UK’s foremost new music festival: The Great Escape. Now in its tenth year– it’s come back bigger and better than ever with a line-up that’ll appease absolutely everyone. With such a large list, it can be quite daunting to know where to start, after all, there are 300 names to get yourself acquainted with. So that’s where we come in– we’ve gone through the line-up and picked 7 of our favourite acts for your listening pleasure:

The Magic Gang
Green Door Store: Friday 21:15-21:45
One of our favourite acts from the Alt-Escape last year have found themselves graduating to the dizzying heights of the main Great Escape lineup. Expect a packed venue with a crowd teetering on the edge of chaos as they howl along to their insanely catchy, slacker rock.

Flyying Colours
Komedia: Thursday 12:55-13:20
The Hope and Ruin: Friday 19:30-20:00
Hailing from Australia, this quartet play psychedelic indie-pop which is absolutely overflowing with reverb. Expect a show heavy on summer-haze and wooziness as the likes of ‘Wavygravy’ asserts itself to be one of your staple summer tracks.

Black Honey
Green Door Store: Thursday 21:15-21:45
Black Honey are without a doubt one of the most impressive live bands on the circuit at the moment. Those that make the trek up to GDS will be rewarded with a ferocious show that’ll bring their psychedelically infused 90’s indie grunge to life.

Hippo Campus
The Old Market: Friday 20:30-21:00
It’s easy to see why this Minnesotan quartet have been signed to Transgressive– everything about their debut EP screams upbeat indie-pop with hooks that will leave you absolutely reeling. If Friday evening beckons you for a bit of a dance, then don’t look any further.

The Hub: Thursday 21:00-21:30
Raucous 90’s grunge are what these guys specialise in and you’re guaranteed a set that borders on the insane and ridiculous at points.

Demob Happy
Patterns (Downstairs): Saturday 19:30-20:00
Two years ago, Demob Happy spent their Great Escape playing bootleg shows out of the back of their van. Expect the same ramshackle, DIY mentality at their show downstairs in Patterns. It’s going to be loud and brutal as their grungy rock rattles even the sturdiest of eardrums.

Sticky Mikes Frog Bar: Thursday 21:30-22:00
Here’s a band with a wry sense of humour that never fail to deliver a memorable set of fuzzy, lo-fi rock numbers that cover topics such as zombies, refrigerators and Win Butler. If that wasn’t enough to convince you to go– this is the very same band who would rather have 100 mouse sized Kanye Wests’ because it’s ‘like a scene out of The Borrowers

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