Interview: Paul Hodgkinson – Lib Dem Candidate for the Cotswolds

In the run up to this year’s general election we wanted to find out a bit more about some of our local candidates and share with you what they had to say. Paul Hodgkinson of the Lib Dems kindly agreed to speak to us. Here’s what he had to say. If you wish, you can ask him and the party more questions on their Website, Twitter or Facebook


What’s your view of the UK as part of the outside world? Do you think that we’re better off in the EU and if so why?

The UK is an important world power with a lot to offer. We should be an energetic player within the EU to influence European policy and to reform some of the bureaucracy. We do so much trade with the rest of the EU that it would be a disaster for jobs if we withdrew from it.


Did you go to university? If so, did you have to pay tuition fees and/or did you receive a grant? How would you change the current tuition fee system?

Yes I went to Reading University where I studied French and lived in France as part of my degree. My parents had a modest income so I received a grant. I was lucky because when I went to uni only 5% of people my age did so. Now it’s 50% so we’ve got to be realised about what the country can afford. The changes made to the tuition fees system mean that at least it’s fairer now – no one pays anything until they leave uni and only once they earn £21k a year. I would cap fees at the current rate and also encourage people to think about apprenticeships as a really good alternative for young people where it’s appropriate.


A lot of younger voters often feel patronized or overlooked completely, which of your parties policies do you feel specifically benefit young people and why?

We think it’s only fair that people aged 16 and 17 should be able to vote so we’d change the law to allow this to happen. We will also bring give people under 21 a two thirds discount off bus fares to help them save money. Finally we have stopped the Conservatives in Government from taking away housing benefit from the under 25s – we will make sure this remains.


A lot of music venues are getting closed down to noise complaints from people who just moved to the area. Do you feel this is an issue? What solution would you propose?

It isn’t a big issue in the Cotswolds but obviously you have to find a balance between having a good range of venues and making sure local people don’t suffer from excessive noise. The best thing is for music venues to engage with local residents and build good relations with them so that the venues can continue to operate.


Prime Ministers questions have made a mockery of the political system in recent years, like watching jeering school boys attempting to one up each other – how would you change the current system to turn it into a useful debate rather than an incessant insults throwing and question dodging?

Yes it often shows all that turns people off politics. At least the Coalition Government has shown that people from different parties can work together for the common good. I’d like to see more debates put forward by individual MPs where the Prime Minister has to be present to give his or her view instead of the Punch and Judy style question time we currently have.


A minimum turnout for strike ballots has been proposed recently – do you think this is fair? If we need a minimum turnout for a ballot strike should we also have minimum turnouts for all elections and referendums?

No I don’t think there should be a minimum turnout on any ballot. People have the opportunity to vote in ballots and it’s their choice to participate or not. I’d rather that lots vote and that’s down to unions and politicians to engage with their electorate to boost interest. After all, look at the Scottish referendum last year when turnout was 84%!


House prices are still rising yet salaries generally aren’t – young professionals can only dream about home ownership while giving money every month to landlords – what do you think should be done about this? What would you propose?

The Cotswolds has the biggest gap between average earnings and average house price in the West of England so we have a huge issue to address. I want to see a much bigger share of new developments being affordable. I also back my Party’s commitment to introduce a Rent to Own scheme whereby monthly rental payments for a house go towards buying it. This scheme will also enable people to buy a house without needing a deposit.


The NHS appears to be struggling these days and is most likely underfunded – how would you go about resolving the issues the NHS faces or do you believe we’d be better off moving to a system based around private medical insurance?

I believe the NHS is unique in the world and must remain free at the point of access. My Party has committed to increase funding in line what the CEO of the NHS recommended recently. I also want to see less managers in the NHS and more nurses on the front line.


What’s your opinion on tax money being used to fund arts?

The arts are an important feature of Britain. We’ve contributed alot to the arts as a country and I applaud that. There are lots of pressures on money but some funding is needed by taxes – it’s should be targeted at arts venues and initiatives which will have the most impact for people and aimed at increasing access to the arts.


What is your view on renewable energy? Should we push for more renewable sources? What is your view of nuclear energy?

Yes we have to boost much further renewable energy – without doing so we continue to jeopardise the future of our planet from carbon emissions. In Government the Lib Dems have doubled energy output from renewable energy and we’re committed to doubling it again. I want to see much more offshore wind power and tidal power. Without some power from nuclear energy we will struggle to meet our energy needs so I’m in favour of a limited nuclear energy sector in the UK.


Did your parents buy you a car when you were in your teens or early twenties?

No they couldn’t afford to do that! So I bought my own car when I left uni at the age of 22. It was a Renault 5 which kept breaking down!


Did you have a part time job during A-levels and/or Uni?

Yes I lived by the seaside in Weymouth at the time so had a summer job teaching foreign students English.


Have you ever held a minimum wage job before going into politics?

The minimum wage didn’t exist when I was younger but I had jobs in supermarkets when I was a student for pretty low wages. I’ve worked ever since leaving uni and have my own small business. As a councillor I get a small allowance to cover costs so I have to work to live. If elected as MP I will give up my business and be a full time MP.

Outside of politics, what do you do? What are you hobbies?

As well as socialising with friends I go to the gym, go to the cinema and theatre and also look after my garden. I also love listening to music.


For people who are reluctant to vote, for whatever reason, why should they take part in the General Election?

Everything we experience in society has a link to decisions which politicians make – how a school or college is funded, what subjects are taught, whether your roads are fixed properly, your broadband is fast or slow, whether you can get a decent phone signal, how old you can be to vote or get married. Even whether we go to war with another country. If you want to influence any of these things you have the chance to do so by choosing who you want to make these decisions on your behalf as your local MP.


Which of your party’s policies do you hold most dear?

Raising the income tax threshold for everyone to £11,000. This has meant that millions on low wages pay no tax at all now. It also means that everyone pays less tax so that they have more of their own money to spend on the things they need and want.


In your opinion, what is the number one priority of your local constituency?

Getting more affordable housing for young people and families so they can stay in the area.


Music and TV

If you could only listen to 5 albums for the rest of your life, which albums would they be?

Pink Floyd – The Wall, Daft Punk – Random Access Memories, Pet Shop Boys – Discography, Lily Allen – It’s not me it’s you, Snow Patrol – Final Straw.


Which film, released in the last year, would you awarded ‘Best film’ to if you could have curated this year’s Oscars?

The Imitation Game.


Do you ever attend live music? If so, what was the last gig you went to?

Yes frequently. Last gig was local band The Abstracts in Cirencester. Last big gig was Coldplay.


Do you play video games? If so, which game are you currently playing?



Are there any TV shows you just can’t miss? Or any shows you’re upset have been cancelled?

Wolf Hall was excellent recently. For easy viewing and a smile it has to be The Big Bang Theory. Finally I always look for re-runs of the original TV series of Star Trek!


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