Interview: Adam Van Coevorden – Green Party Parliamentary Candidate For Cheltenham

In the run up to this year’s general election we wanted to find out a bit more about some of our local candidates and share with you what they had to say. Adam Van Coevorden of the Green Party kindly agreed to speak to us. Here’s what he had to say. If you wish, you can ask him and the party more questions on their Facebook Page, Twitter or Website


What’s your view of the UK as part of the outside world? Do you think that we’re better off in the EU and if so why?

I would love to the see the UK playing a far more positive role in the wider world. Rather than pretending to be the great military power we used to be, I’d rather we set an example to rest of the western world: nuclear disarmament, a full commitment to human rights and foreign aid high on the agenda.

I do think we’re better off inside the EU, but that’s not to say that the EU would not benefit from significant reform. The EU has served to safeguard basic rights, has encouraged mutual understanding and the spread of culture and ideas. It has also taken a progressive line on financial regulation and environmental protection. However, the EU’s economics are based on the unsustainable ideas of free trade and growth- countries like Greece have felt the cost of being forced to dance to this particular tune.

Ideally we stay in and there is reform- a referendum on membership seems like a fair way to move forward, and will hopefully mean the UK can turn its attention to more pressing matters.


Did you go to university? If so, did you have to pay tuition fees and/or did you receive a grant? How would you change the current tuition fee system?

Yes, I went to the University of York between 2003 and 2006. I was charged a tuition fee, but this was waived as I was from a low income family. However, I did have to take out a loan for maintenance costs and I am still £15,000 in debt. With the interest, I can’t ever see this being paid off.

The Green Party would abolish tuition fees. Education is a benefit to society as a whole and shouldn’t come with the nasty after-taste of a heavy debt .


A lot of younger voters often feel patronised or overlooked completely, which of your parties policies do you feel specifically benefit young people and why?

As a relatively (30 now!) young voter myself, I agree that the major parties consider young people as an afterthought. If young people don’t vote, the ‘big’ parties won’t expend energy on chasing them for it. It’s a vicious circle. It doesn’t help that the main parties don’t seem to offer much of an alternative to each other- people, rightly, ask “What’s the difference? What’s the point?”

However, I do feel that it’s a myth that young people are apathetic- they talk about politics, they go on protests, sign petitions and are members of pressure groups and societies. The current voting system doesn’t help, but if younger voters turned out in numbers, they could really shake things up and force politicians to listen. I would love that to happen.

I don’t think there is a ‘quick fix’ to get young people voting, but I passionately believe that the Green Party are offering more than the other parties. We would abolish tuition fees, as education is a right, not a privilege. We would build 500,000 new social houses and impose a rent cap in the private sector, so people aren’t forced to either pay high rents or stay with their parents until they are 28 (like I did!). We would make the minimum wage a living wage and we would create 1,000,000 green jobs and apprenticeships by investing in renewable technology. We have far more robust and progressive policies on LGBTQ rights, on animal rights and on the environment than any other party.


A lot of music venues are getting closed down to noise complaints from people who just moved to the area. Do you feel this is an issue? What solution would you propose?

Where I live there aren’t enough music venues, but I’ve not heard of any closing because of this particular issue. I think if someone moves next door to a pre-existing venue that plays live music, they’ve made their choice. Complaining about it seems odd to me. Possibly a different story if a venue popped up next door in a residential area, but this seems pretty unlikely.


Prime Ministers questions have made a mockery of the political system in recent years, like watching jeering school boys attempting to one up each other – how would you change the current system to turn it into a useful debate rather than an incessant insults throwing and question dodging?

I completely agree- I can’t bear to watch it. If that’s what passes for political transparency, we should all hang our heads in shame. I guess there are a number of factors involved here- firstly, maybe we should stop voting for political careerists and public school boys? I think maybe they could be chaired or regulated better- no easy questions, no point scoring and no question dodging. Potentially, I think they could be scrapped and more publicity given to the committee system where real scrutiny actually occurs.

I’m sick of ‘business as usual’ politics, but we shouldn’t expect anything else if we keep voting for it.


A minimum turnout for strike ballots has been proposed recently – do you think this is fair? If we need a minimum turnout for a ballot strike should we also have minimum turnouts for all elections and referendums?

I don’t think this is fair- it’s just another ideological attack on the unions, and therefore workers’ rights. I’m not sure a minimum turnout for elections and referendums would be workable- I’d rather voters were offered a carrot than shown a stick.


House prices are still rising yet salaries generally aren’t – young professionals can only dream about home ownership while giving money every month to landlords – what do you think should be done about this? What would you propose?

Completely agree. As before, the Greens would propose more social housing and a cap on the private rental market- meaning that both of these become more welcoming options. We would also look at a higher tax on second home ownership, meaning that there is more chance that homes are owned by occupiers rather than being part of a landlord’s portfolio.


The NHS appears to be struggling these days and is most likely underfunded – how would you go about resolving the issues the NHS faces or do you believe we’d be better off moving to a system based around private medical insurance?

The NHS is an absolute wonder- better quality and cheaper than almost any healthcare system in the world. It needs to be run for the common benefit of the people of the UK, not carved off and sold for profit. If elected, one of the first things I would seek to do is vote for the NHS Reinstatement Bill, ending the privitsation of our health service. The NHS should be in public hands, properly funded and run without political interference. 


What’s your opinion on tax money being used to fund arts?

It would be barbaric not to. Art and culture are essential to any civilised society.

What is your view on renewable energy? Should we push for more renewable sources? What is your view of nuclear energy?

Investing in anything else other than renewable energy is short-termism and dangerous. Nuclear energy is expensive, non-renewable and potentially very harmful. It’s a distraction from investing in energy that is abundant, carbon free and safe for all of us. We need to start getting serious about renewables.


Did your parents buy you a car when you were in your teens or early twenties?

No! I couldn’t afford driving lessons until my late 20s. I don’t even remember my Mum getting a car until I was about 13. We walked or got the bus everywhere.

Did you have a part time job during A-levels and/or Uni?

Yes, I worked as a cashier at the local Spar shop from 17 to 21. I didn’t really have the time in my last year at Uni as I was too busy.


Have you ever held a minimum wage job before going into politics?

I’ve not really ‘gone into’ politics- I still have a full time job! The job at the Spar paid £2.60 an hour when I started, as the minimum wage is lower for under 18s (the Green Party would change that…)


Outside of politics, what do you do? What are you hobbies?

Politics is one of my hobbies! My real job is as a Liaison Officer at the Higher Education Statistics Agency- I help universities with the return of official statistics. Outside of work, I’m a Cheltenham Town season ticket holder, I like to watch and play most sports, go to gigs, films, the theatre, read books, play computer games and walk in the countryside. Having a baby last year has got rid of most of that though!


For people who are reluctant to vote, for whatever reason, why should they take part in the General Election?

There are so many people who don’t think that their vote can make a difference. If we added those people together, there would be enough to make a massive impact. Not all parties are same as the established ones. Look into the Green Party, Plaid Cymru, SNP, smaller parties and independents. If we can take enough votes away from the big parties they have to pay attention. We might even get electoral reform!


Which of your party’s policies do you hold most dear?

Super tough question, as I’m pretty sold on most of them. If forced, I’d go for bringing the NHS back into public hands.


In your opinion, what is the number one priority of your local constituency?

Similar to my last action, a fully functional, fully public NHS hospital with 24 full A & E access.


Music and TV


If you could only listen to 5 albums for the rest of your life, which albums would they be?

Hardest question on here by far. Think I’ve got this down to 8, so will just pick 5 out of a hat. I’ll be gutted about the 3 left behind. (this will also show my age..):

BRMC- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Chutes Too Narrow- The Shins

In Utero- Nirvana

The Color and the Shape- Foo Fighters

Weezer- Weezer (blue album)

Bonus 3:

Paul’s Boutique – Beastie Boys

Funeral – Arcade Fire

Hard Day’s Night – Beatles


Which film, released in the last year, would you awarded ‘Best film’ to if you could have curated this year’s Oscars?

Having a baby (see above) has put paid to any cinema going recently! Most up to date films I have seen are The Lego Movie and Grand Budapest Hotel. Both were awesome.


Do you ever attend live music? If so, what was the last gig you went to?

I used to all of the time (see continued baby-blaming)! Went to see Black Sabbath at Hyde Park last summer, and they were surprisingly good. Seeing the Foos this summer. Excited.


Do you play video games? If so, which game are you currently playing?

Again, I used to! I’m still grinding my way through Assassin’s Creed 4 and I usually have a game of Minecraft and Champ Manager (01/02!) on the go.


Are there any TV shows you just can’t miss? Or any shows you’re upset have been cancelled?

I’m obsessed with TV and will watch anything. Firefly and Futurama stick out as shows that were lost too soon. I love the Simpsons and Family Guy and enjoy University Challenge, Match of the Day, the Football League Show, WWE and TNA. House of Fools and Brooklyn Nine-Nine are cracking. I loved Wolf Hall too- I could watch Mark Rylance do the washing up and be captivated.

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