Kaninchen – I Will Take the Dark Parts of You and I Will Eat Them (Music Video)

Cornish Noise-merchants Kaninchen have released their first music video today with the exquisitely-titled ‘I Will Take the Dark Parts of You and I Will Eat Them’ – but for the sake of length and sanity I will refer to it as IWTTDPOYAIWET from here on out.

IWTTDPOYAIWET is a superbly written genre-subverting piece of cannibalistic (vegan-friendly) fury. Craig’s poetic lyrics sound hauntingly frail when etched out of his lips as the track builds, each word another strand of the spider’s web broken as Chris swirls a whirlwind of claustrophobic sounds. The video shows the multiplicity of Craig and Chris’ personas as layers under a Rorschach Test ink spill – psychiatry 101: what do you see in the ink? – as the ink spreads allowing glimpses into the duo below, the track builds to a crescendo punctuated by Craig’s heart-achingly ferocious shouts.

Kaninchen have been building a steady following, thanks in part to their perseverance, uniqueness and their somewhat-introverted public image. The aura of mystery around the band has been a help in maintaining a gravitas of  secrecy, they are like that hidden trinket you keep away from everybody because they won’t understand it. Sure, everybody has the same feeling about it, but to you it’s special. Kaninchen speak directly to the listener and seem to obscure the audience around them and it is this, in a day and age where visibility and mass-appeal is a key selling point, that will see the band become a success.

The single is set to be released on April 6th on Death Drop Records through all the usual avenues – iTunes, Bandcamp, geocaching, the foot of Mount Doom, going to Craig’s house and ask him to put it on a USB stick for a small fee – and comes with a limited-edition digital art booklet.

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