Interview: Slaves

When you think of guitar-driven duos, you’re likely to automatically think of Royal Blood. But seriously, forget about them. There’s only one duo you should be really excited for this year: Slaves. Originally hailing from Royal Tunbridge Wells the duo– made up of drummer/vocalist Isaac Holman and guitarist/vocalist Laurie Vincent– are bringing whirlwind punk back to the masses whilst reminding everyone not to take life too seriously.

After a few hours of ringing back and forth and interrupting their well earnt afternoon sleep, we finally managed to catch up with Isaac before their Portsmouth show.

So how have you guys found the NME awards tour then?

It’s been amazing, it’s been more than we expected—an absolute game changer for us.

Originally you guys were due to play the opening slot and then because of the demise of The Amazing Snakeheads you got bumped up. Do you reckon that changed the way you went at the experience?

Nah, not really. We were just playing it the same way we would’ve played on any bill no matter where or when.

So previously we’ve sent a camera out with you guys to Y Not Festival and it looks like you guys get up to some interesting things on tour. What’s the most interesting story you’ve got from the NME shows?

Uh, me and Laurie just had a go on an outdoor gym on the Portsmouth seafront which was a bit different. I dunno, every day has been its own adventure. It’s been quite nice on this tour as we’ve had a lot more time in each city and more time to see things and explore. I’m trying to think of what else we’ve been doing but I can’t even really remember.

Do you guys have a band ethos/motto? What is it and where does it come from?

Be nice to your pets. It comes from us being nice to our pets and wanting everyone to be nice to their pets.

Speaking of being nice to pets—everyone wants to know if you practice what you preach. So tell us, what have you been feeding your manta ray?

We’ve been feeding it Skittles, flying saucers, Flumps, strawberry laces and a lot of alcohol. Our manta ray is also our merch man. So he’s always with us, always on tour with us and he often comes on stage in his manta ray costume. We never know when he’s going to turn up, the first I know of him is when I feel a bit of fabric touching me up and then he’s there around me. It’s a bit weird.

So, when PR do press releases for albums and bands, they tend to come up with these ‘buzzwords’. If you ended up being in charge of your buzzwords for your debut album—what would you choose?

Social commentary. Observational. Strange ramblings of strange men. That pretty much is it, sums up the album.

To go with your debut album, you guys are doing your first ever headline tour—what should people expect from those shows?

Lots and lots and lots of sweat. All our shows are a bit furious and then some of it’s not. It’s just like our shows are a bit of a journey. Maybe we guess they’re a bit of a family occasion that there’s a bit in there for everyone and everyone will be able to come and get involved with it.

What’s been your defining moment as a band so far?

That would have to be Jools Holland. It was unexpected but we felt like we’d accomplished a lot doing it. I’d always said I would die happy if I could play Jools Holland and I have now. But that’s just what’s has happened so far and where it’s going to go. We’re just going to have to wait and see.

A couple of random ones to finish up on: there are lots of two piece bands out there at the moment. If we were to organise a WWE style tag-team showdown between you and some of them, what would be your wrestling name?

Oh whoa, that’s well hard. It’s hard to answer something like that so quickly. Oh fuck. That’s the sort of thing that I’d ponder on for years. I can’t answer that.

And to finish, you guys are a bit obsessed with biscuits. What are you current biscuit choices and why?

My current biscuit of choice is a chocolate digestive, but it’s something that always changes. In the grand scheme of things I’m definitely a bourbon. But right now it’s a chocolate digestive with a cup of tea. I don’t like the tea, I just dunk my biscuits in the tea and then pour it away, I’m irresponsible with it, it’s a bit of a waste. I don’t like drinking tea, I just like dipping in it.

Laurie is a Fox’s Golden Crunch Cream sort of man and I don’t think that is ever going to change. Biscuits are good. I dunno, recently I had an orange Kit Kat and I’m not sure if that counts as a biscuit but it went up to my favourite chocolate bar.

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