Lowland – Black Leaves EP

This week I had the pleasure of reviewing Brighton/Falmouth based duo Lowland – and a pleasure it was! Their new EP, Black Leaves, is a collection of songs that will soothe you into a peaceful state of alternative tranquillity.

What becomes instantly apparent when taking a listen to Black Leaves is that this is an EP which hasn’t been made half asked. Everything hits the right note from it’s crystal clear vocal mix, subtle use of electronics, lush harmonies and cleverly complimentary arrangement. It’s easy to hear that Emily Taylor and Dan Johnson had a clear vision for this EP and meticulously thought over and executed it with great care. Sounding similar to The xx but with more to offer in terms of musicianship, Black Leaves is an EP of slow progression. Each song builds and evolves in sound with an effective use of intricate drums, gentle acoustic guitar melodies and vocal harmonies. With a host of sounds prominent in the mix it can sometimes be hard for a vocal to shine through, but shine Emily’s classically trained voice does and hypnotises the listener with her lullaby like tone, backed brilliantly by Dan.

My only real critique about this EP is that it’s hard to pick a stand out track amongst a bunch of incredibly well written and produced songs. Crazy I know! So yes each song is emotional and beautifully produced but the EP has left me wondering if one of the songs could’ve built into something truly awe inspiring. Having been a good friend of Emily’s from our time at Falmouth University I believe she has a lot more hidden under the surface that I sometimes wish would burst out and break the tranquil soundscape of these songs.

On the whole Black Leaves is a solid EP and a must listen. Lowland have certainly set the bar high and their EP is a fine example of what can be achieved when you put your heart and soul into making a record.

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