Single Review: Rihanna Ft. Kanye West and Paul McCartney – FourFiveSongs

It’s Sunday morning and I’ve already seen this track mentioned fifteen times between my Twitter and Facebook. I completely missed whatever track people were thanking Kayne for when he “shined a light on unknown artist Paul McCartney” and, well, I’m a sucker for punishment so I thought “what the hell? I’ll give it a go.”

What do we have here then? The track starts with some poorly performed, boring and predictable guitar chords while Rihanna’s bland overproduced vocal wails over the top. I can’t stress how terrible the guitar part is – you could take a guitar out of a skip, give it to someone who’d never played guitar and in 30 minutes they’d have written a better sounding part. I can only presume the guitar was played by Kanye West in an Lil Wayne inspired bust of “talent” as surely anyone who’s actually played one before would listen back and go “Maybe I should give that another shot.” I don’t want to give Pink any positive comments but this actually sounds like an awful Pink cover.

My favourite moment in the whole track? During Kanye West’s verse we get a little spike of backing vocals from Rihanna “We can run” which sound half little old lady, half trapped underneath a heavy object. Inspired.

I mean, it’s great that “musicians” who’s music often sounds the same are diversifying into the amateur acoustic genre but maybe someone at some point in the production cycle should have stopped them and pointed out how god awful this track is? The only way I can fathom the release of this track is that the trio must have recored this on their own, while drunk, one presumes, and released this without it being heard by any producers, label staff, sober friends, passers by or strangers. On the plus side, GCSE music students and campfire guitarists country wide can breath a sigh of relief knowing that, no matter how untalented you are and how bad your songs suck, there’s apparently still an audience for you. Thank you Kanye, Rihanna and McCartney (seriously Paul, what have you done?!?) for lowering that bar.

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