Video Exclusive: Swaying Wires – Fear of Flying

Taken from their debut album Some Blue Sky— which is released in Europe and the US as of today– ‘Fear of Flying’ is an enchanting way to uncover Swaying Wires. And we’ve been lucky enough to grab the video exclusive of the fantastic stop-animation tale that accompanies the track.

Tina Kärkinen’s vocals envelop you into a silken-soft cocoon that warms you from the inside out as the instruments brush across your eardrums like the softest caress. It’s a lullaby to the soul, a hypnotic listen and yes– it could be considered simplistic– but it’s all the more beautiful for it.

If that wasn’t enough of an emotional impact, ‘Fear of Flying‘ has a truly heartwarming video that you just have to watch. Good thing that we’ve got it here for you, eh?

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