Friday Mixtape: Josh Pyke

Our Friday mixtape comes from Australia’s Josh Pyke, who has put together a mixtape that’ll soundtrack his forthcoming UK tour (details here). Enjoy

This playlist is designed to accompany the act of staring out the window of a UK tour van, watching industrial landscapes merge into rolling hills and moors. I’ve had some amazing times in the UK, and these songs bring those back to me ahead of the next tour.

Things between People – Holly Throsby.
An incredible Australian songwriter and good mate, this song reminds me of the first time I started touring the UK back in 2007.

Cry on Demand – Ryan Adams.
I came upon Ryan Adams pretty late, and it was on a tour with Ben Kweller that I first heard this song and was hooked for life.

Nothing Happening – Ben Kweller.
One of the first tours I did in the UK was with Ben. He and his crew were so welcoming and I learned a lot, including how to use Febreze as a substitute for doing your laundry for 4 weeks.

Blackbird – The Beatles.
I was lucky enough to be part of a show in Australia where i got to play this song every night, and I love it even more now. I love checking out the very touristy, but very necessary Beatles museum in Liverpool when I’m there.

At My Window Sad and Lonely – Billy Brag and Wilco.
There’s definitely a part of touring which involves the constant management of missing home. Having 2 kids makes that even harder, and I will most likely be at the tour bus sad and lonely for at least 33% of the tour.

Nothing Like you – Frightened Rabbit.
I’ve had some of my funnest and most memorable gigs in Scotland, and this is one of my favourite Scottish bands. I love the drive across the moors and up past the wind farms into Scotland.

Day is Done – Nick Drake.
I have some beautiful memories of killing time in London a the Tate Modern listening to Nick Drake and getting inspired by the artwork and the space itself. I wrote most of my track the Lighthouse Song after one such time.

The Glorious Land – PJ Harvey.
I love this whole album. It’s very British in a way that’s hard to explain. And hell, it is a glorious land.

You Can’t Always Get What you Want – The Rolling Stones.
Another amazing up and coming UKL outfit 😉 I’m sure they’ll go far. My first son was actually born to this song, and whilst we did actually get what we want in that instance, we sing that line to us every time he makes an unreasonable request… He’s not crazy about it.

It’s a Wonderful Life – Sparklehorse.
Touring is hard, you miss home, you’re tired, physically and emotionally drained, BUT it’s also addictive, amazing, stimulating and immensely rewarding. If you’re cut out for it, it is a wonderful life.

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