Gallery: American Football @ Pygmalion Festival 2014

Earlier this year I became very excited, very fast, upon seeing that American Football, one of the most important bands in emo music (the good emo, not that horrible modern stuff), had announced a few dates. They’re one of the few bands I’ve always wanted to see yet never had the chance due to them splitting up when I was incredibly young (not to mention they didn’t really play much then anyway) – at one point I had a bank account to put away a bit each month called “Incase of AF Reunion.” They have a sound that I’ve always imagined would sound incredible live and I’d always wanted to find out for myself. The fact that their first date would be in their hometown of Champaign Illinois made the whole thing even sweeter – a chance to see American Football playing their hometown, that’s something I just couldn’t pass up. The guys at Pygmalion were kind enough to allow me to shoot the festival and, naturally, I ended up taking a large number of shots from their headline show. I hope you enjoy:

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