Gallery: Pygmalion Festival 2014 – Thursday

Sorta sleepy after a long day, I managed to make it over to the Krannert Art Museum just in time for Diamond Youth to take the stage. I’ve never given the band a listen before but instantly wished I had; their music seemed to go from rocking to dark pretty quickly, with some interesting licks in between – probably the strongest start I could have hoped for. The vocals were especially good – one of the best ranges of a vocalist I’ve seen live in a long time. Next up, A Great Big Pile Of Leaves came along to deliver some stunning music, with some great drumming and lovely guitar playing they truly deserved the huge crowd they’d gathered. Heading over to the Krannert Centre For Performing Arts, local band Elsinore had gone all out for the occasion bringing with them a violinist as well as a horn section and creating some intricate effects-laden pieces of music. Real Estate closed the evening, in a space where the queue for the bar besides the stage was fast becoming as big as the crowd. Their drawn out music was lovely to listen to but, I must admit, in my tired state it did just make me want to sleep. All in all a great start to Pygmalion Festival, with some great bands, especially over at the Art Museum.

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