Track of the Day: Velvet Morning – Green Whale

What with it being Friday, it seemed time to shake things up a little bit and instead of going with the synths that have dominated the rest of the week; we’re back to guitars. Though, just to keep things a little more interesting, we’ve got probably the most heavily distorted, foggy track that we’ve had in a fair old while…

For lack of a better explanation, what Velvet Morning have done here is assembled a track that is trippy. ‘Green Whale‘ comes out from a heavily sedated consciousness where pure relaxation takes over every fibre of the being. The guitars flow and ripple like disrupted water the odd shock of electricity, the odd synapse firing a fission of energy down the middle when they sharpen into a clearer tone. Meanwhile the vocals float out from a place dripping in foggy colours– distorted and buried and yet you want to absorb so much more into your bloodstream.

Green Whale‘ is just addictive bliss. Once you get one shot of it, you’ll undoubtedly want more.

Useful Links: Soundcloud // Facebook

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