Track of the Day: A R P – Pulsars e Quasars

For anyone still desperately trying to cling on to those last wisps of summer like myself, our TOTD is dedicated to you.

Pulsars e Quasars‘ acts as an anti-gravity on your spirit– lifting it up, up, up, until it can get no further without floating off. And as your spirit feels lighter, you can feel the last vestiges of summer come seeping in from the melody that A R P has set out here. Distorted surf-rock guitars transport you back to the beach; whilst the warp makes it feel like the image is coming off a worn out tape– one that you’ve overplayed to help you get through the winter. The accompanying video only helps but nail this point further home with jumping imagery of a summer’s sunset over the beach which will make you yearn with every fibre of your being for it to be June all over again. The synths that overlay themselves to the track further bring that element of summer warmth to life. They act as little sparks of colour that complement the distorted guitars and the lethargic drumming to bring more of an immediate heat to ‘Pulsars e Quasars’ to stop the track all but drifting away from you.

I can certainly see this track bec0ming one that you’ll listen to throughout winter just to remember what that heavy, satisfied warmth in your bones that summer brings feels like again.

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