Vaudevillains NXT Entrance

The Vaudevillains

You know when you see an entrance so entertaining that you become an instant fan before they’ve even had a match? Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages gather round as I tell you why NXT’s Aiden English & Simon Gotch, collectively known as The Vaudevillains have one of the best in professional wrestling today (and possible all time).

Vaudevillains Nxt Entrance

It begins by taking you back to the old school with the camera turning to black and white with curtains appearing on the titantron, a man walks brandishing a loudspeaker and enthusiastically announces “Gather round everyone and witness the debonair devastation of such exquisite sophistication!” Spotlights turn on each member as their names are announced, Aiden English standing in a rather debonair pose while Simon Gotch opts for the strongman flexing. In just fifteen seconds you already have an insight into the characters and personalities of the team without even hearing a note of music.

Their entrance theme (beginning directly after the spotlight announcement) is a wonderfully jaunty piano melody called ‘A Quicker Accomplishment’ and is accompanied by a video of a dog jumping over a skipping rope held by a woman and a chimpanzee. The two shake hands and while Gotch confidently jumping around, punching the air while English slowly walks down waving his hand to the music and looking rather amused by it all. The camaraderie continues as Gotch bounces over the ropes then goes over to help his team-mate into the ring, then the two pose as Gotch twirls his magnificent moustache.

I’ve re-watched this entrance many times while writing this and my enjoyment hasn’t decreased in the slightest. It’s one of the most unique and captivating entrances I’ve seen in a long time plus themes that aren’t generic rock or rap songs are always welcome with me. Hopefully it won’t be long before we get to see this every week on Raw.

Ladies and Gentleman. The Vaudevillains

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