MikeMcG Plays Unrest

The guys over at Pyrodactyl Games sent me a copy of their new story-driven RPG, Unrest. The game is set in a fantasy interpretation of ancient India and focuses on the lives and struggles of ordinary citizens in the city of Bhimra.

Set in a time of famine and poverty and political unrest [can you see what they did there?] you control many different characters which, Pyrodactyl Games say, would normally be smaller non-playable NPC’s. Personally I think the game suffers because of this, as some of these characters should have stayed non-playable NPC’s. At the same time the story feels disjointed as you jump from person to person before getting remotely close to getting attached to your current character.


On the plus side the game looks gorgeous, with it’s minimalistic graphic style and has a soundtrack that blends well with the game and is enjoyable and not overbearing.

All in all I think it’s a good effort and a solid game, it’s not really for me as I tend to get bored easily and this game is essentially point, click, read, click and read some more, but I know some people out there are into that sort of thing. If you’re one of these people then Unrest is certainly worth picking up.

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