Raw Roundup: July 28th Edition

This weeks RAW continued the countdown to SummerSlam. We saw Miz actually continue to be awesome, a return to 2003 Chris Jericho and the start of the next feud for the World Heavyweight Championship. But wow, RAW is three hours long? Still? Don’t worry we picked out the best matches and segments for you.


We begin as we usually begin at the beginning


John Cena opens the show to sporadic boos and cheers, but mostly boos. Cena puts over Brock and does his ‘I’m actually super sad guys’ face. He also lifts ONLY the WWE belt when he talks about the championship. So disrespectful to the World Heavyweight title Cena, that’s the belt the master technician Khali once held SIR. Paul Heyman comes out, is amazing, and tells John Cena he’s going to get thrown into the sun just like The Undertaker or words to that effect. John Cena chants ECW (not one person threw a chair? Come on guys) and says that Heyman and him share a passion. Cesaro comes out to defend Heyman’s honour and we have our first match.


Cesaro VS. John Cena


As soon as you wipe away the tears filling your eyes because you know Cesaro is going to job to John Cena, you’ll see that this was actually a decent match. Cena tries to prove himself to crowd with some distinctly un-Cena moves and enjoys a nice back and forth with Cesaro even if half the moves he tries out are slightly botchy. Cesaro’s spectacular suplex to the inside, the Cesaro Swing or Swiss Death doesn’t finish him off and Cena gets the win with an AA from the top rope. An amazing match and a great start to RAW, whilst ‘Cena wins LOL’ was the finish the match made Cesaro look incredibly strong and could possibly mean a push for him.

Cesaro is on the waiting list, with a big push on the horizon for sure. It’s just a matter of time.


Paige VS. AJ


We last saw Paige and AJ at RAW when we were given the ultimate double turn, while before their characters were murky it’s obvious now that Paige is a heel and AJ is your new face. Paige starts the segment by saying she just got caught up in the moment when she attacked AJ last week and didn’t mean it. AJ comes out to tell Paige that she understands, it seems like everything is going to continue along this slightly odd ‘frenemies’ feud but Paige drops the all important ‘crazy’ word in front of AJ. Making her act, well pretty crazy. They tussle and it seems a rematch is on the cards. Paige and AJ are probably the best female wrestlers in the Divas division at the moment (Natayla doesn’t count because oh my God where is she). Lets see how this develops.


Jericho VS. Stephanie McMahon


I have loved the Jericho and Stephanie feud since it first debuted. Maybe some people in audience won’t know about the fantastic slanging matches Stephanie and Jericho had during the early 2000’s. I however, marked out like a chump when Jericho interrupted Stephanie during her heartfelt plea to get Brie to drop the charges against her. Jericho mocks Stephanie for her recent arrest and drops an ‘Orange is the New Black’ reference and solidifies my eternal love for him. He tells Triple H that he want’s Bray Wyatt tonight and Seth Rollins comes out of the back and hits Jericho with his shiny gold briefcase dressed in his X-MEN uniform.


Nation of Domination 2.0


Okay the Nation of Domination it isn’t, and that may sound like I’m dismissing it, but trust me I am not. With the hints of a new faction last week of RAW, this week we saw Xaviar Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston watching over a 6-man tag team match between Dolph Ziggler and the Uso’s and The Miz with Rybaxel. They look on and nothing really happens but a Kofi Kingston heel turn will be the most exciting thing that happened to his career since-EVER.




The streak is dead. It’s over. I was there at Wrestlemania 30 when Undertaker lost his streak and that was nothing compared to this. However the proper Bo Dallas heel turn is fantastic and he may not be the heel we want, but he’s the heel we deserve.


Final Thoughts

  • Oh God, what has happened to Damien Sandow?
  • Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger are still heels I don’t care about the crowd reaction they get.
  • Why did no one come out to help Roman Reigns when he was attacked? Where was the swarm of referees? HUH?
  • How on earth did Triple H coordinate the Rollins attack on Jericho while he was still in the ring?
  • Stardust and Goldust need to get out of Kane’s basement and take the tag titles from the Uso’s. We beg you.
  • I really need a better storyline to care about Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho.
  • Brie Bella stop shouting at the END OF SENTENCES.
  • Stephanie is the best thing in WWE, end of.

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