Plastic House – Wolves In This Town

Don’t let this humble band’s size fool you: Plastic House are the real deal. Having self-released the EP Invader earlier in the year (well worth a listen too, mind) the Stockport based foursome have produced a new song of a quality rarely heard from today’s indie bands, even those with a much larger following.

New track ‘Wolves In This Town’ showcases the young band’s talents in a blaze of high-energy thumping rhythms and solemn, fuzzier-than-an-ewok guitar riffs. Lead singer and rhythm guitarist Oliver Podmore’s pained vocals show an age and musical complexity beyond his years. The simple yet evocative lyrics are incredibly effective and instantly memorable, and I’d be lying if I wasn’t left with a faint impression of pre-slump Kings Of Leon in the vocal delivery. Drummer Jake Perry’s pounding percussive rhythms lay a strong, driving foundation for  lead guitarist James Lennon’s dynamic and heavy riffs. Worth a mention is the glue binding the song together, slick and simple basslines from bassist Robbie Murray complement the arrangement and really complete the song sonically. ‘Wolves In Our Town’ is a real surprise from a band so small – full of energy, drive and high production values.

The tune harks back to a time when Indie Rock wasn’t mired in irony and the artists had something to say and everything to prove. We hope to see Plastic House continue to put out quality tracks like this and brighten up the sometimes cloudy Indie Rock scene at the minute.

‘Wolves In This Town’ is available for free download from SoundCloud

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