Plants And Animals – Mercy

I imagine when most people think ‘focus tracks’ they think of up beat music, poppy uplifting hooks, probably one or more bass drops. When I need to push through and get stuff done I don’t really want that crap; I want guitars, I want horns, I want group vocals, handclaps and breakdowns in odd time signatures. Cue this glorious track by Plants and Animals and it’s uplifting joy. When I’m starting to struggle a bit, ‘Mercy‘ takes every problem imaginable and pretty much crushes them freeing the mind for more important tasks. It’s impossible to feel anything other than great with a choir singing “Mercy!” over lush indie guitar licks and bursts from the horns; troubles outside of work? Just trample them during the mid-section’s hand claps. I’d even go as far as to say that, when working at home, yelling along is basically the most uplifting thing.

I guess there’s a few caveats; this song is the right song to play if you’re struggling because everything else in the world sucks but may not be the right track to dive for if you’re falling asleep. Thankfully there’s other tracks to fall upon, just click ‘Focus Tracks’ at the top of the page and let team 7Bit take care of you!

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