Track Of The Day: Matisyahu – Watch The Walls Melt Down

Matthew Miller, better known by his stage name Matisyahu, has announced today the release of his 5th album, Akeda, in the summer. I must admit, I’ve not actually given Matisyahu a listen before, for shame, but for some reason today I was drawn to give his music a go, with the new video for ‘Watch The Walls Melt Down’.

What have we got here then? A chorus that can only really be referred to as anthemic, with masses of instrumentation and some delightful vocals. It’s definitely suited to days like today – I would be writing this with the track on loop while drinking a nice glass of cider heavy on the ice in my garden right now, if my garden wasn’t mostly just weeds (it was like that when I moved, honest!). The verses are contain some pretty straight forward rapping – it’s nothing that’s going to blow minds, but it’s certainly not bad either. The production is pretty great all over – it’s definitely more aimed at the pop market than the alternative crowd but, y’know what, it’s pretty good. Enjoy!


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