Track of the Day: Weed – Gun Shy

The middle of the week often feels like one of those days that you kind of have to trudge your way through; every hour is a monumental effort just waiting to happen and really quitting time can’t come soon enough. So let me bring forth a band who accurately capture that wading your way through Wednesday feeling: Weed.

Gun Shy‘ is all about sludgy scuzz and provides a wall of sound that is so dense and cloying, it feels like you’re fighting your way through tar. The guitars happily wail their way through the track– loud and drowning in reverb whilst the drumming is ferocious enough to rattle the teeth. Between them they’re the brute force that weighs the track down and turns it into the resin that seals you in place.

However it’s not all about being dense and smothering– Weed have this somewhat unusual vocalist who manages to sound in a shoegaze fuzz whilst surrounded in a torrent of noise. That is, until he decides to yowl his way through the apparent chorus too, when that wall of sound starts smothering in over him.

There’s plenty here in Weed’s debut single to get stuck in to. These guys look like an exciting prospect for the year ahead.

Useful Links: Bandcamp

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