Exit_International – Our Science Is Golden

When a band introduce themselves as a 3-piece duel-bass led alternative rock band I have to admit I start to get excited, I start to remember Rothko and their three bass minimal ambient soundtrack music… but this isn’t Rothko, furthermore this isn’t ambient, in fact far from it – what Exit_International provide us with is something near the other end of the scale and then some.

Bass player Fudge Wilson quite rightly asks “Who doesn’t like a bit of loud-quite-loud” when it comes to opening track ‘Weird Card‘, the bass and drums working together to make it clear what’s to be expected from the next thirty eight minutes.

The echoing drum fills and screaming vocals on ‘The Creeps’ follow next and you’re soon hooked on the chaotic riffs, so if you like Fugazi, Mudhoney or even the Datsuns then you should take note of this album and its hectic noise driven ride.

Described by the band as “angular and rhythmic with a beastly riff at the end” sums up one of the best crafted songs on the album in ‘Crux‘ along with its follower ‘Kojak Rollneck‘ but still with the rawness that makes this release so great to listen to… on repeat.

The longest track on ‘Our Science is Golden‘ is the albums’ title track, it still only comes in at just over four minutes, mainly due to being played at a slower pace than the rest of the songs, vocally it’s sung rather than shouted, swinging back and forth with sludgy bass-lines played in time with lyrics.

Juvenile Pacemaker‘ on the other hand destroys any ideas that Exit_International are trying to produce a beautiful piece of work as it’s one and half minutes shatter the eardrums leaving you wondering what just happened whereas ‘F.L.T’ is probably the closest the band are going to come lyrically to a ballad… and even that’s stretching it.

The drum rolls and disjointed bass riffs on ‘Sod off Punk‘ bring the album to its crescendo of a close and leave me wanting to see these guys live in a sweaty club, because if it’s anything like they are on record I’m ready to experience it… although I can’t imagine my ears will be thanking me in the morning.

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