TGE Track Spotlight: Doomsquad – Ovoo

There’s a little game I like to play with The Great Escape line-ups; it’s called: ‘What Do They Sound Like?‘ The rules: guessing what the band sounds like based solely off their name. So– take a moment to guess what Doomsquad, the band behind our TGE track spotlight this week, sound like.

Got an idea yet?

Well, even without asking you, I know for a fact that you’re a million miles away from the truth behind the Doomsquad sound. You’re probably wondering how I can be so sure of that, but when you listen to ‘Ovoo‘ you’ll understand why– this is unlike anything you could’ve ever imagined, even in your wildest dreams.

Doomsquad are a Toronto trio who seem to inhabit the same mystical mindset of their Mayor– that is to say that ‘Ovoo‘ is a surreal experience. There’s an intertwining of dark, artificial clanks and thunks with organic, ethereal vocal harmonies and sparks of panpipes which make this track an electronic and world music fusion.

It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before– mystical and elusive, both dark and yet tempting– this is the ultimate forbidden fruit of the music world… And I personally can’t wait to get the full audio and visual experience of Doomsquad live.

Useful Links: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Soundcloud

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