Track of the Day: New Desert Blues – Zachary

The second of our post-XFM X-posure artists is a band that has had several mentions across 7Bit since their formation in 2012. New Desert Blues are South Coast natives and, as such, I’ve encountered them quite a few times and watched their career progress from the nervy beginnings to the release of their debut EP, Devil’s Rope, last week… Culminating with a cinematic performance on Saturday night.

Zachary‘ was certainly one of the most memorable tracks of their performance– and it translates just as well on record. Vivid lyrics painted against the rich noir Americana soundscape creates a track that can be described as widescreen-cinematic. It could very easily be the soundtrack to a come-of-age tale in the Southern US states– it just has that evocative quality about it.

Between the metronomic waltz of the numerous guitars against the melancholic rolling thunder of the drums, ‘Zachary‘ just ends up oozing drama. Add in the black-and-white, yearning of the vocals it creates something atmospheric that lurks amongst the conscious.

If you fancy a slice of Southern England channeling the South of the USA– then you needn’t look any further. ‘Zachary‘ (and New Desert Blues themselves) present a sound that is unlike anything else on the circuit right now.

Useful Links: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Soundcloud

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