Gallery: Alcopopalooza Christmas/Final Stagecoach show

It’s obviously a massive shame to say goodbye to a band who are pretty well loved by the writers and editors at 7Bit, who we’ve seen a lot over the years and who released one of my albums of the year. But as send offs go, Alcopop Records have sure thrown Stagecoach a big one. One of the biggest lineups of the year, I would say. Found My Niche, Railway Hotel, Dexy, Radstewart, Hold Your Horse Is, Elephants (!), Her Parents, 4 Or 5 Magicians, Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly, and of course, Stagecoach themselves. Crazy. The night itself didn’t disappoint, obviously Stagecoach went down incredibly and the audience went crazy (I got knocked over, and I’m hardly small and light…) but there seemed to be a lot of love for everyone on the bill, especially those reforming especially for the occasion. Here are our photos of the show:

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