We’re on Radio 1 (Again) And WE NEED YOU!

Well, it is official: 7Bit are heading back to Radio 1!

We’ve been invited back to join Edith Bowman’s Review Show next Tuesday (3rd December). Whilst Adam and his crowd-smurfing ways served us well last time– this time we’re sending along one half of our new music team: Natt (our TOTD writer).

But, like last time, we need your help!

We want you, the 7Bit community, help us choose which of the 6 tracks below will get played on Radio 1. They’re a selection of the newest bands that have either been featured as our track of the day or are in the pipeline of being featured– all of which are deserving of the primetime radio exposure… But which one does, you decide.

To cast your vote: either comment on the post below with your choice or tweet us (@7bitarcade) using the #r1review hashtag. Whoever gets the most votes is the one we’ll take with us– so come and get all your friends involved and get these tracks out there!

Life- ‘I Wanna Forget’

Fancy listening to your teenage years in musical form? ‘I Wanna Forget‘ has it all: relentless energy, swagger, attitude served between breakneck guitar riffs with an added side of sardonic lyricism.

The Trouble With Templeton- ‘Six Months In A Cast’

Apart from this song having an astoundingly brilliant video (which is contender for video of the year for me personally), TTWT’s debut release on UK shores is a stunner. Balancing an upbeat, bounding tempo amongst folky instruments and vocals that tread a fine line between being dark and brooding and hopelessly romantic.

Mourning Birds- ‘Oh Yeh!’

A grand total of 101 seconds long– this track is gone before you know it– but it roughens you up in the fleeting moments it is around. Fuzzed out vocals accompany blistering, scuzzy guitars and jackhammer drumming to create a track that you feel like you’re having a 3am post-drinking session scuffle with.

Morning Smoke- ‘DYWD’

This is noir dipped and post-punk infused rock at its’ very best. The electrifying guitar riff is adrenaline inducing and will drag you along with it by the scruff of your neck– but there’s malice and darkness behind each note– creating a thick atmospheric track you can’t escape from.

NO CODA- ‘Numbers’

Sounding like some hidden cassette tape from the 90’s– ‘Numbers’ is lo-fi indie guitar rhythms meeting spiraling, psychedelic vocal harmonies which are jolted sharply by some unexpected musical effects. It’s a bright, devilishly brilliant track that you wouldn’t expect to come out of the Swedish scene right now.

Baby Strange- ‘Trouble’

One of the best live shows I have been to this year was Baby Strange in a room no bigger than my room. ‘Trouble’ is less frantic, smash and grab punk– instead showing more of a melodic restraint side of their sound. It’s more dark, dirty garage-rock delivered with a sultry smile opposed to a snarl… And that’s bloody brilliant

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