Friday Mixtape: Bye Bye Brew

Today is a sad day. Yesterday saw the final show of the incredible Humanfly, a band who largely soundtracked my first year of university, playing so many shows around Leeds that they came across as one of the most hardworking bands of that time. Not only that, but as Brew Records announced a while back, they’re closing shop, and now they’re just clearing out the rest of their stock. I’ve put together this Friday mixtape in the hope that those of you who have somehow missed their releases (which would be a massive shame, check out the reviews of the most recent albums from Castrovalva, Humanfly for example) then you’ll do yourself a huge favour and buy these albums while you still can. They’re stupidly priced, you can get both Castrovalva and Nine Black Alps most recent on coloured vinyl for £5 for both, and Humanfly‘s insane Awesome Science for £4 (What?!) over at their Big Cartel Store.

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