Track of the Day: Sincerely, Grizzly – Us; or Optimism

It’s almost the end of the working week, huzzah! With that in mind, we’ve picked ourselves a track of the day that’s all about giving you that last injection of energy, enthusiasm and buzz to get you through the rest of the week… And, at the same time, get you in the right mindset for the 7Bit Halloween Party.

Sincerely, Grizzly— apart from having a name which contains a comma of all things– are an Australian trio who describe their sound as ‘literature rock’. I’m not particularly sure what that sub-genre actually means (the only thing I automatically think of are those bands about Harry Potter/LotR) but judging from their forthcoming release, ‘Us; or Optimism‘, I guess I like literary rock music as much as I do actual literature.

Us; or Optimism‘ is a track that likes to keep you on your toes. Erratic tempo changes make sure the track is a relentless back and forth of energy and calm– which goes someway to riling you up even further at those let loose moments. On a similar riling note, you’ve got the vocals that match the mood– recalling fellow Aussies Last Dinosaurs for the majority of the verses before bursting out into vicious, shouts akin to the more alt-rock end of the spectrum.

As for the rest of the track’s substance– it’s all about the guitar noise. It’s in the ‘must hear’ variety too– jagged and crunchy when the tempo dictates it needs to be and powerfully melodic he rest of the time. The drums have no such need for restraint and are a full on cacophony of cymbals and snare– and their consistency means that the dramatic shifts in pace don’t feel unfounded.

This is one way to guarantee your Thursday is as energetic as your weekend. Sincerely, Grizzly– we salute you.

Sincerely, Natt.

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