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Singles Round Up- 30th September 2013

Monday, Monday, so good to me! New Haim and Justin Timberlake albums are winging their way to my front door. I could not be happier! Whilst I am indulging my ears with such wonders, heres some other delights to gorge yourself on this week.

This week I’m introducing a bit of intriguing artistic sound to the mix. Eccentronic Research Council release a 7” called ‘Dreamcatcher tapes’. It is a song which sees actress Maxine Peake talk about a weird and wonderful dream she had playing over some really surreal sounds. As soon as I started listening, it was impossible to stop as I had become slightly enamoured with the actresses’ northern accent and the fact she used the word barm (def: Noun The froth on fermenting malt liquor).. It’s also because it takes the idea of a song and flips it on its head to merge reality with creativity. Genius.

News of Mumford and Sons indefinite hiatus may have rocked the foundations of their hardcore fans but fear not. There are plenty waiting to step in to the wings to fill your insatiable need for husky indie folk music. Not least Hunter and the Bear who release their new single ‘Forest on the Hill’. It has all the drama and overpowering emotion thrusting out through the vocals and rapid movement of the guitar strums. They use the imagery of the landscape to inspire and give you hope.

Sometimes I can be quite superficial and I have to say with this next song, I totally fell in love from the sight of the video. The Creature Comforts ‘Sauce’ is pure Clash-esque, tongue in cheek rock. You must watch the video with its dance moves to match. It’s like the Macarena for the rock dudes. They are marrying their love of food and women in one song to much delight. This is only their second release so I’d keep your eyes peeled for more from these guys.

Another band on their second release are Candy Says, an Oxford four piece who are creating fun edgy music. Now I have to admit that their single ‘Kiss Kill’ initially had me thinking of The Ting Tings with its pounding clapping drum beat and uh huhs dropping in all over the place. But this is not necessarily a bad thing, their sound is catchy, upbeat and mixing electronic with guitar sounds to create a bad ass indie pop song.

Keeping spirits high is Polaris Rose with their new single ‘Chartreuse’. A classic, chilled song that has so much coolness about it that it’s no wonder they are singing about LA. The sweet harmonies of the female and male vocalist contrast with the indie rock sound. There is a sense of sunrise and sunset with this song. The song is a love song to the hustle and bustle of a place where it seems no one ever sleeps.

Everyone loves a bit of classic indie music and this is exactly what Totem bring with their debut release ‘See-Saw Girl’. The jerk and twist of the guitar and drums beats gives the song such a sense of urgency. Match that with the monotone lead vocals that start and then the high pitched vocals and you have a very different sound that sets this band apart from many coming out at the moment.

Constant Waves have an excellent track called ‘The Buddy System’ available from their bandcamp. One of the band has had a knee operation so you will slowly be seeing new releases from this band at the moment. But they are one you want to get into, their ability to think they are musically take you one way only to totally change direction and surprise you is refreshing. This song starts with a gentle pace, building and building with zapping electronics, fun rapid drums beats only to hit you from nowhere with an awesome rock out.


I could not end this week’s round up without mentioning the most amazing news of Jamie Lenman (Reuben) making a return. Tour dates and an album announced, it was great to get a taster with the video for ‘Fizzy Blood// Pretty Please’. It was everything I hoped it would be with ‘Fizzy Blood’ being the absolute mental, mindblowing destruction of the senses whilst ‘Pretty please’ is the complete opposite. Those trademark vocals singing of the need for people to get recognition from anyone and everyone. All I can say is its still love and I am telling you to listen, love and buy his record!

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