Younghusband @ The Joiners, Southampton – 23/09/13

The Joiners is startling devoid of people when I turn up to sample their evening of mind-bending psychedelica—including a headline set from one of my favourite acts from The Great Escape 2013, Younghusband. It probably doesn’t help that it is a Monday night and it’s the first official night of Southampton University Freshers (or Re-Freshers depending on your age)—however for those who don’t venture down, they undoubtedly have missed a trick here because Younghusband prove to be ones to keep a close eye on.

The evening kicks off with The Gravity Drive; a band guaranteed to polarise opinions. Looking like they’d spent the last 20 years in the pub-circuit, they certainly don’t fit any conventional expectation of what bands should look like and yet musically they’re right on the money. Their light shimmering of psych-elements over the indie-pop backbone gives for a bright, toe-tapping set which proves to be a perfect Monday pick me up; undoubtedly though it is forthcoming single ‘Circles’ that is the best in their repertoire thus far.

Siberian Noise follow soon behind to play their experimental, instrumental psych-rock which isn’t quite as interesting as it sounds on paper. Their dizzying melodies and hypnotic percussion show a staggering level of promise—but the promise is never quite met as they seem to be devoid of a stage presence that is needed to give their sound a focal point. It’s good to know that no such issues follow Is Bliss. Their set is full of hazy, psych-rock that’s scarily reminicent to Splashh. It’s infectious, jump around and trash your hair out stuff– exactly what the band do on stage. However, much like Splashh, they seem to have a few vocal struggles, as in they get completely lost in the musical spiral, but whether this is due to Jimmy Stuart’s illness remains to be seen.

When Younghusband finally take to the stage, it’s post-10pm and a few more punters have emerged from the woodwork. And just in time, because certainly the night has been building towards this– and Younghusband provide a set that is an ascent into the realm of superb and showcases their debut album, Dromes, in its full, shimmering light.

Comets Crossed‘ opens tonight’s proceedings with a sound that almost personifies the tripped-out bliss of the 1960′s in San Francisco. But at the same time, there’s a more modern indie lilt to some of the guitar riffs which helps chase away any lingering sense of nostalgia. That’s something Younghusband seem to specialise in throughout the show– blending the retro-psychedelic elements with more recent quirks of indie, pop and electro to create something that feels distinctly retro whilst also feeling like it’s pushing the boundaries of the music industry as it stands today.

New song ‘Electric Light‘ is a welcome addition to the set and shows the more intense, focussed side of the band. The guitars oscillate in a hypnotic motion, only giving way to showcase Euan Hinshelwood’s vocals with lyrics that seem to be purpose built to evoke the senses opposed to any real thought. ‘Silver Sisters‘ is equally as intense but is more akin to molten silver than the solid counterpart the name would suggest. It is hazy and slightly mystifying, shifting from what is primarily nu-psych to something sounding more lo-fi indie and then back again.

Constantly In Love‘ takes a more sedate, hypnotic pace and is tinged with wistful regret that bleeds through the room– showing the diverse soundscape that Younghusband play with. Though personally it’s one of my least favourite on the album, hearing it live brings a whole new palette of colour to it and makes it work– possibly why the extremely excitable older gentleman towards the back of the room looks on the brink of euphoria throughout.

All too soon, the set comes to an end– and instead of the dreamscape we’ve been lost in for the past 45 minutes, the harsh reality of Southampton creeps back in. But tonight Younghusband offered a set that is best described as a kaleidoscopic revelation– colourful, bright and fluid– and utterly transfixing.

Useful Links: The Gravity Drive // Siberian Noise // Is Bliss // Younghusband

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