Track of the Day: Coasts – Stay

Coasts definitely have staying power. However cheesy as that statement may be, on first, second possibly even the third listen of ‘Stay’, you get a feeling that the Two Door-esque cheeky vibes are going to carry the Bristol band to a stratospheric position0 It’s also not the first time we’ve talked about Coasts.

Close your eyes long enough and you could find yourself floating to a U2 concert where these guys are supporting. it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The only problem I have is that they are playing it too safe to the current Kings of Leon bone. If there was a ridiculous breakdown half way though then this indie rock would colour me very much impressed.

They are touring the country though October and pare playing our home town Brighton on the 31st October. We will have tickets to give away to that show so Brightoners, get commenting on this post with your favourite coastline town.


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