Boho Dancer – Gemini

Having won the hearts of their country from an early stage in their career, this Danish trio are already sending murmurs throughout Europe. The band has already performed at some of Denmark’s biggest festivals, and has won awards for up and coming bands within the country. Their folk-like sounds are gorgeous but are thickened by a slight dark, almost melancholic twist. New album Gemini has just been released on independent record label Nordic Music Society and boy is it a good one.

Boho Dancer seem to have found their niche amongst the folk-indie-but-miles-better-than-Mumford-and-sons genre. Think Keaton Henson if he had a band behind him and took loads of anti-depressants.  The new album is surprisingly quite varied in the way each song is presented. Opening song, ‘Bohemian Child’, is good – but it’s not an amazing opening track. When I first heard it, my immediate thought was that my mum would love it, but it wasn’t for me. However, when you listen to the album in full, it’s clear that these three know exactly what they’re doing and they achieve it perfectly.

The album varies so much from track to track that it’s difficult to pick a favourite song from it. From start to finish, the album creates an experience that lasts and on first listen you’re never sure what to expect next.  ‘Like Rain’ features a beautiful mix of female and male vocals with intertwined harmonies, not to mention the extended orchestration including a gorgeous string solo in the middle of the song. ‘Slept on a Silver Platter’ is probably the sexiest track on the album. You can’t help but imagine female lead Ida Wenoe in a black-and-white film-esque scene with a cigarette and long dress. In fact, most of the album reflects this image, especially when you actually listen to the lyrics. ‘Martin’ features the lyrics: “Break my heart now, beat me under the sun” and most of the other tracks are filled with similar passively dark words. However, the overall effect of the album can go one of two ways. If you listened to it in a sad mood it almost certainly would not help, but some of the more upbeat songs are actually quite peaceful.

Although it’s not an album to dance to, (who likes dancing these days anyway?) Boho Dancer have set the bar high with their debut album. As someone who previously was unaware of the band. I’ve been converted. Their intricate weaving of well composed music set underneath the smooth vocals of all three members created eleven tracks of what is essentially really good soulful music. I may have been right when I said my mum would love it (she does) but I’m unashamed to say that I do too.

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