Light Parades – Through All Times

Ahead of a string of UK shows starting next week, we’ve checked out the debut courtesy of Brit quartet Light Parades. Although early days in its release, this is already a record that is proving to hold the power for it be endlessly played right through and here’s why.

‘The Grandest of Gestures‘ opens the record majestically with a dazzling piano based, melodic spirit. The sonics are bold, strong and intricately layered for a crescendo touch. As the first track comes to a close, it is more than apparent already that this record is one that is special in content and packed full of vitality.

Moving in to ‘Fleets’, this track again graces and emerges with impact. On ‘Adolescence’, Light Parades merge the sonic equivalents of blissfulness and euphoria within the production of the track. Guitar lines soar and the tones strike with the vocal; powerful, reassuring and full of wisdom. Sparkle does just that and is laced with a serenity evoked by dreamy guitar waves, gentle drums and traces of fragile piano parts. ‘if you’re lost, follow me home’ we hear with a sincerity. Say something erupts with scuzzy and building piano, the vocals are smooth. The sonics of the track smoulder and feel almost tangible.

Bring the Light Brigade’ is subtle and stripped back of the instrumental scope the rest of the record possesses. Just little fragments of percussion are heard through the vocal. Layered with reverbed backing the emotion is heightened.

A Delicate Tremble’ and ‘Until I Sleep’ are touching numbers, the balance of grittiness and poignancy throughout works well together. But these tracks particularly are beautiful and refined perfectly.

Drawing to a too soon close, ‘Don’t Let Go’ has a cinematic sense to it, and feel of urgency and depth as it erupts in to orchestral beauty mid way. Again, the best word to describe how this track and album as a whole is set apart from the rest is with impact. These tracks are impacting and evasive in the best way possible, for us to want to listen to again and again.

More than often debuts don’t always contain the instrumental fullness and skilled production, but Through All Times does and with pristine measure.

Although the stylistic features of the music are not the most distinctive, if you enjoy timeless indie rock music you will undoubtedly be more than impressed with the ten tracks here and what’s more, Light Parades, are even better than some bands who of a similar style, are a lot more well known and five albums in.

This is just the beginning of Light Parades career. And Through All Times has put them in firm step to pursue what they are confirming to be astounding at.

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