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Record Store Day 2013 at Resident, Brighton

Across the globe on April 20th, music fans flocked to their local record stores to try and get their hands on some of the hundreds of limited releases that have been produced for this years Record Store Day.

7Bit writer Natt took the decision this year to camp outside of Resident in Brighton to be sure that she’d get what she wanted, so we joined her and the rest of the queue to document the passion that record fans have on Record Store Day. From first time queuers to seasoned collectors with a Vinyl Legacy, our documentary shows off the raw emotions from the morning and also some beauty shots of bacon.

Whilst many think that Vinyl is a dead format, Record Store Day proves year upon year that hundreds of music fans still clamour to just one store for these limited pieces and exclusive tracks. We spoke to many people on the day and they stated how Vinyl is a true way of enjoying music – it’s a physical thing you can read, touch and enjoy sat on your shelf; whereas the digital download future we’re living in is such an empty experience.


For Resident themselves, it’s the busiest day of the year and one that they celebrate so ceremoniously. Whilst many would let the queue languish for hours on end, the store actively involved the crowd with free gifts for all and constant updates on stock levels, so people would know before they got to the till if the records they craved were still available or not.


As for Natt, she got most of what she wanted and even through a sleep deprived state could still tell that the whole experience was uplifting, purely because of the people. Record Store Day isnt just about getting brand new Vinyl’s from bands you love, it’s also about being social with the music fans surrounding you, discovering something new along the way.


If this has made you want your own Record Store Day experience, then there’s always next years on April 19th 2014.

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