Jaga Jazzist – Live with Britten Sinfonia

This review was a pretty daunting undertaking, after all I’m not sure how qualified I am to critique an experimental Norwegian Jazz band, especially when complemented by a live orchestra! Coming at us via the ever vital Ninja Tune label this live album is, as it says on the tin, a recording of Jaga Jazzist‘s collaboration with Britten Sinfonia and their concert staged at the Barbican in London. Far from your average live album, the music showcased includes fully reworked versions of existing tracks, written specifically for the project. This is certainly a full re-imagining of the existing material.

The style, in the main, feels like a soundtrack to a film that doesn’t exist – such is the grandeur and scale associated with the use of a full orchestra. Opening gambit ‘One-Armed Bandit’ is feature-length at over 15 minutes and at times invokes feelings you might associate with a chase scene in a film. The mood is built superbly with moments of quiet reflection being contrasted with an intense, thrilling climax where the tempo is raised and the horn and string sections are in full flow.

Across the concert the listener is treated to a whole spectrum of styles, from darker and more brooding work in ‘Kitty Wu’ to more laid back and funky jazz in ‘Prungen’. Each work (I’m at pains to call them ‘tracks’ as it feels I’d be doing the musicians a dis-service!) invokes its own set of specific emotions, with the intricacies afforded by the participation of the orchestra exploited to stunning effect.

Jaga’s lead programmer Lars Horntveth should be congratulated with the desire to combine the progressive and modern with the classical. People such as he are vital to the proliferation of higher strands of culture and indeed exposing this style of music to people who may not listen regularly to it is something that should be applauded.

This is far from your typical undertaking and as such its hard to draw comparisons, but if you’ve enjoyed classical soundtracks in films (Bond springs to mind) or indeed in video games, such as those from the Fantasy Series, you will find much to enjoy about this fine work of art. Whilst it demands the listener’s full attention in order to be immersed properly in the joyous soundscapes, a willingness to submit is fully rewarded with an inspirational and all-consuming listen. Delve in with an open mind and you will doubtless be pleasantly surprised.

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