Band of the Day: Pylo

First impressions of a band pretty much always come from the first song of theirs you hear. Bath-based five-piece Pylo have just the one song to their name thus far, so apart from listening to ‘Enemies’ over and over again, you’ll just have to look at the cover and tell yourself what’ll follow is going to be as good.

Very early days for Pylo’s five, but these alt-rockers have started off excellently. ‘Younger Than Salt and Sand.’ released last month is their very brief prologue if you will, but it’s their first and foremost single ‘Enemies’ that you should consider the benchmark for the group’s future progress.

It fits the mould of what you’ve come to expect from alt-rock nowadays. Ever-so-slightly reserved and moody in tone, yet striking in its vocally pertinacious chorus and prominent refrain; beneath the surface there’s subtle reverb, and intent behind every thump of drum and strum of guitar, the need there to be an emphasising force.

‘Enemies’ suggests that the band know what they want their sound to be, but for them it’s surely a first toe testing water. Pylo have been putting on successful shows in Bath since forming early this year so that suggests there’s more to them than a one-hit wonder, but if they’re looking to go beyond they need to show there’s more to them. 2013 will be the year for them to do so.

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud

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