Band of the Day: Bruno Charles

Bruno Charles is off to Wales for a bit to work on some new material, and this is great news for everyone who enjoys listening to music. The soulful guitar-clad walking charm factory has as much talent as he does personality: as much a pleasure to listen to as to talk with. He seems to have fallen from the same branch on the easy-listening tree as Jack Johnson and pre-pop Michael Bublé, all mellow voice and casual acoustic.

Both original songs Bruno’s put up online are as tender and stirring as you’re likely to find from the genre. ‘Old Man’ is impassioned yet soothing, coming from the way Bruno builds the chorus up and pours emotion all over the words, voice cracks with feeling; ‘There’s Little Left’ asks less of you, a more inviting slow tune with delicate plucks of strings and a playful arrangement.

They both really show what Bruno can do. Perhaps it’s a raw honesty immediately heard that makes him so enjoyable to hear play. There’s always room for more musicians like him, if only because the likeability factor comes from the stripped-down, sure-fire simplicity of the sound. Bruno’s got a little work to do if he wants to tear away from the pack and make a name for himself, but he’s on the right track.

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud

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