Band of the Day: Folks

Folks have got a debut album out at the very beginning of October, and I’m granting myself permission to use the phrase “it’s a doozy” to describe it, because that’s exactly what it is. The single ‘Say Something’ will follow a week later but you’ll all have the album I See Cathedrals by then, right? I hope so.

They’ve secured themselves a support slot for a tour with the superb Band of Skulls, yet these six guys have got enough going for them to be a headline act in the near future. Their sound? Not really in one place or another. As far as conventional guitar pop-rock goes, Folks are far from it: whatever influences these lot would list they clearly aren’t honouring one or another.

First three songs on I See Cathedrals show a variance found in compilations, yet a consistency found on the best albums around; the following track ‘Skulls & Bones‘ is even better – a hearty mix between The Black Keys and Foo Fighters – and the eight following keep up the form set early.

Listen, buy, love. Simple.

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Official Site / Soundcloud

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