Band of the Day: Club Smith

The debut album’s on its way and for Yorkshire lads Club Smith its release will be the smiles-all-round culmination of a three-year journey that have seen the four break through in formidable fashion to become a band on the brink of stardom but with no obligation to go any further.

A blessing that for a group supporting big names, seeing modest success and continually featuring on praising lists from respected publications: Club Smith don’t have any need to be ‘the next big thing’ only to fade away after the next one comes along. They make great music consistently and while sell-out crowds with their name at the top seems like the ultimate goal there’s no need to score: they’re already winning comfortably.

Appetite For Chivalry is out in November, but there’s plenty to tide you over until then. If the band could re-release their first EP The Loss that’d be fantastic but there’s plenty of Club Smith on the internet for you to find. Have a look below to start with at a track called ‘Lament’, then here for a few choice others..

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Official Site / Soundcloud

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