Band of the Day: Gentle Mystics

I’ve been wanting to write about these three-turned-nine piece musical wizards for a while now. If their sensational debut album had come out this year, I’d have reviewed it and heaped near-infinite praise on it and its splendiferous grandeur. It’s obscure and unusual, a frolic in a moonlit forest like some Gothic retelling of Where The Wild Things Are befitting Tim Burton’s dreams

Not just the album but the band itself, Gentle Mystics are something wondrously different. Their label’s lucky to have them; festival stages are lit up by their presence. Their sound is such an indefinable blend of genres merging into one indescribable feat of musical wizardry that it’s difficult to describe them to you short of just saying ‘Stop reading and go listen.’

There are trumpets and a banjo in their arrangement. They have a very tall man who raps. Their leading lady plays the keys and seems to fall into some trance-like state when they start playing. They have a song about videogames complete with chiptune. They’re a extravagant bunch, a strange group of enchanting musicians that ‘want to make you bounce’ and sometimes find something truly special within their chaotic escapades.

By all means leap straight into their self-titled album but if you want to be eased in, let’s start you off with these two winners below (and the ridiculous video for ‘Spiralling Breeze’).

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud / Bandcamp

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