Band of the Day: Plastic Flowers

Once I realised I was in the wrong place and stopped listening to some guy’s same-named solo project by mistake, I set out again to find the repertoire of Greek ambient/pop group Plastic Flowers: their ambient, fluid sound was one worth the wait and confusion.

You thankfully don’t have to make the same mistake and can go straight to the source, a rewarding endeavour regardless for yourselves since the duo – George and Anjel – have offered up their EP ‘Natural Conspiracy’ released in June to download for free.

For the sake of comparison, Plastic Flowers in sound and style are comparable to the minimalistic dreaminess honed and perfected by the XX, Sinking Ship / Vanished Crew in particular an evocative track with a kind of immaterial quality to it, that otherworldliness difficult to describe but easy to understand when you hear it.

The whole EP encompasses their idiosyncratic soundscape; far-reaching, explorative with an abundance of experimentation to see just where each moment takes them. White Walls Painted Black, the most likeable track of the lot, starts boldly but becomes the embodiment of hypnagogic ambient pop that twinkles and ultimately fades away gracefully.

Like the XX, Plastic Flowers are instantly bewitching with a sound best experienced in the last waking moments of each day, aka listen to them before you go to bed.

Useful Links: Facebook / Bandcamp / Soundcloud

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