Band of the Day: Apollo Gets The Girl

It’s time to stop what you’re doing and give nine (or maybe ninety) minutes of your day away to Starchild and New Dawn, the two tracks from three-piece Apollo Gets The Girl that are fully deserving of your love and admiration.

Comparable to the delectable trio that the Drive soundtrack opens with, New Dawn has a tenebrous yet soothing quality to it, with wispy vocals conjuring up dreams of midnight drives down windy roads with street lamps blurring into continuous streams of light illuminating tree lines… well, at least that’s what I imagine while listening to this.

New Dawn‘s best experienced lying down on your back staring up at the ceiling/stars, Starchild conversely best enjoyed on your feet doing that thing people call ‘dancing’. Or ‘swaying’, that’d work too; Starchild‘s bolder with a greater intensity, brighter yet still a broody track with a notably commanding instrumental arrangement to boot.

Electro-synth at its finest on display in both tracks regardless. Hit play below; have no regrets.

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud / Bandcamp

Note to the band: a download option in the near future please.

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