Band of the Day: Casablanca

Casablanca only have one song to their name, but it’s a damn good’un. These five guys as a band are fresh off the boat as it were, boldly stepping into a territory occupied by many like them with the hopes that valiantly crying ‘Yes’ while accompanied by an aestival sound always welcome where the sun shines bright.

They hail from London – and the same school as Bombay Bicycle Club (and family too, courtesy of Casablanca drummer Tom being no less than the brother of Bombay Bicycle Club guitarist Jamie) – and bring that Brit indie pop-rock vibe that’s all the rage right now to the foreground of their sound, cheerful and chirpy being the proprietary aim with their first single ‘Yes’ being both considerably.

Casablanca have incepted themselves into the music world at just the right time, and when ‘Yes’ is released next month – via a label, no less – and the band get round to setting the wheels in motion for an EP/LP release, could well be that we’ll be seeing these five on a big stage somewhere soon.

In the meantime, hit play over and over again below.

Useful Links: Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud

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