Band of the Day: Local Girls

Yeah, I reckon ‘scuzzy’ is an appropriate word to describe Local Girls‘ sound. I’d probably use ‘enrapturing’ and ‘vivacious’ if I got the chance to see them live too, because their frenetic sound.

Like if the Scott Pilgrim film was scored by My First Earthquake and The Durango Riot, Local Girls’ sound is a savage, heavy kind of alt-rock with a venomous hint of grunge but a bizarre innocence in the lead vocals sparking a clash with the fiery undercurrent designed to lift crowds from stupors into an oceanic pit of brutal yet euphoric gratification.

The shirts are meant to be torn off, the hair grown long to compliment the banging, and a tightly-packed venue to be drenched in the unified sweat of both band and crowd as the sound encapsulates all in a majestic blaze of fury and recompense…

At least, that’s what I’m imagining as I listen to this Brixtonian four-piece’s upcoming debut Deluxe Kicks, a ten-track stunner that’s got ‘must listen to live’ written all over it (not literally, but advisable if the band’s reading this pre-release).

Useful Links: Facebook/Twitter/Soundcloud

P.S. Use the useful links, Googling ‘local girls’ won’t do you much good.

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