Band of the Day: Keystone Kids

If any band were to be labelled the personification of a cute kitten trying to climb up onto a chair it would be without question (the) Keystone Kids, an the insatiably adorable duo having fun in Pennsylvania.

Carly Comando (who composed the music for this video) produced an entry for a coffee jingle in March last year with Ryan O’Donnell (a ‘punk rocker’), and after Carly a few months later moved from New York to Pennsylvania where Ryan was based they started making songs before deciding to work on releasing a ‘universal’ album which anyone could listen to and enjoy.

‘Things Get Shaky’ was the end-product and it really is nothing short of a cutesy delight, from ‘Crumble’ right through to ’44’. Some of the lyrics are apparently influenced by Jersey Shore but crafted in such a way that it’s not noticeable unless someone like me points it out to you AND THEN you go and look up the references. Regardless, ‘Things Get Shaky’ is uplifting serenity packaged into a tidy seven-song collection that fans of The Postal Service and/or Ingrid Michaelson will particularly fall for.

In case you’re wondering: Carly takes the keys, Ryan’s on the guitar and the two brought in Tom Patterson to play drums (him and Carly used to be their own indie duo in a band called Slingshot Dakota) and producer Dan McKinney to produce and shake a tambourine a few times.

That lovely album above was released in March but even to this day Carly and Ryan are still singing…

You know how sometimes you and your friends sit around and someone shows you a cool Youtube video they like and then you trade blows trying to one-up each other before your laughs become sighs and all is lost and the world implodes? If that moment ever occurs, save the world with any of the videos on (the) Keystone Kids’ playlist.

One of the bestest best is below.

Look at these two. Look at how much fun they’re having.

Now go and buy their EP, you sillies.

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