Naptime Clothing Interview

Creating a clothing line is not easy; It is even harder if you are a member of a successful rock band who obviously should know what is cool. Needless to say, Lee Vincent has rised to the challenge and has pulled it off with ease. We caught up with James, and he was even nice enough to give away some tshirts. Check out the interview below and then use the widget to enter the competition.

Tell us about Nap Time in 140 Characters and make it rhyme.

Lee We fucking hate bad t-shirts so we made our own, You should buy one with your student loan? Fuck me that was bad haha

When did you decide that you wanted to create, design and sell tshirts? Was there a defining point?

L I’ve always been a big shirt nerd so its been the back of my mind for years. Then my wife Rebecca and I started making plans to do it but got put off because there were so many dudes in bands coming out with tee companies. Then after a while we just thought ‘fuck it’, we had the David Cameron design ready to go so we just set up the store and put that tee up for pre-order, then once people had given us money there was no turning back!

What is the general ideology behind nap time clothing? What brand are you trying to create?

L We’re just putting out shirts that we’d wear and I think, after a while, that will hone itself into a a particular style. We love working with artists we love but its the designs that we’ve done in house that are the most popular so we’ll probably end up doing everything ourselves. Just really stark, simple and offensive shirts haha. Like Serial Killer and Fuct used to be back in the day.

Does playing in Pulled Apart by Horses influence your design decisions? For example do you get inspiration from the tshirts you see at gigs?

L Not really. I’m far more influenced by what I’m not seeing anymore.

What do the rest of the band think of your tshirts?

L Yeah, they’re into it. Everybodys really supportive, we actually got Rob to design the first tee and James has been helping out with some of the online stuff. Don’t worry, they’ll get paid in free shirts!

Why NapTime?

L We were originally going to call the company ‘Bat Shit’ but that just seemed a bit obvious. Nap Time is just weird, its so pure and nice but put in the right (or wrong) context it can be really dark, with the Cameron tee for example. They’re also really pleasing words. That, and we love to nap.

Would you like to start designing shoes at some point?

L Sure, why not! We’re both into fashion and have very strong ideas about what we think looks good so we see no reason to stop at just tees. I’d have to be sure we’d designed a shoe better that the Vans Authentic first though, and thats a tall order.

Ken Block is a successful rally driver, and founder of DC Shoes. Is there any other ridiculous side project that you would get involved in when Nap Time took off?

L Haha Nah, music, clothes and our family is enough for us. We’re pretty boring when we’re at home! I wouldnt mind being able to afford the odd snowboard holiday though


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