Blissfields 2012 Review

The British summer has not shone kindly on our festival season so far, with unrelenting rain storms causing many a swampy campsite and mud-filled mosh pit. But this week could possibly see a change as the apparently  (according to their website) ever-sunny Blissfields takes place on the 28th to the 30th of the month, plus, the sky has to run out of rain at some point right? The festival, which has been running since 2001 has grown incredibly over the past decade moving both dates and sites numerous times, and currently resides at Vicarage Farm just outside of Winchester.

In this saturated market of festivals you are always spoilt for choice every weekend as to where to spend your time in a tent; getting a bunch of bands and people together in a field is something that this country has perfected. But it’s a battle with more and more festivals falling under each year, so to hear of a small event such as Blissfields growing so strongly can only mean there must be something pretty special about it.  It’s also a festival that I personally have never attended before, but with such a promising lineup and a variety of activities taking place it was hard not to attracted to this near-perfect sounding festival.

Family focused festivals always bring a calmer atmosphere than that of the rowdy drunkeness experienced at the majority of our festivals, and although I’m not in any respects a child-loving hippy, festivals such as Glastonbury or Camp Bestival that go out of their way to be more family orientated are generally much friendlier, cleaner, and far less manic. It’s not all about getting off your tits everyday to come home declaring you had ‘the best time ever’ despite not recalling any of it.

The kids have got it absolutely made at the festivals newest tent ‘White Rabbit Caberet’ with DJing classes, face painting, caberet, magicians and a dance zone! Amazing, but just so the adults don’t completely feel left out there is also a sports day – but don’t go getting flashbacks to your school days justs yet! With events such as ‘Egg and Spooning’, ‘Balloon Fencing’ and ‘Hipster Swingathon’ I get the feeling it will be a whole lot more enjoyable than the last time we all took part in such activities.

I suppose it’s about time I also mentioned what a great lineup the festival has pulled togther, headlined by the multi-talented Patrick Wolf  and the electric Noisettes along with a host of upcoming and local bands. From band of the moment Spector, to the Guillemots to Charlotte Church unveiling what on earth she has been brewing to warrant hitting all the small indie venues on an upcoming tour.

So here are my top 5 bands to watch this weekend;

Lucy Rose
The angelical voice of young folk singer Lucy makes for one lovely chilled out afternoon (in the sun hopefully).   A familiar face to any Bombay Bicycle Club fan as she’s lent her vocals to the past two albums as well as supported the guys on tour numerous times.

A merging of Aluna Francis and George Reid, this duo have been hailed by all for bringing back the sound of 90’s R&B. Perfect for those of a certain age to reminice and enjoy, whilst introducing a whole new audience.

Arp Attack
I first saw this band a few years ago under a different name, supporting Delphic and Two Door Cinema Club in the smallest of venues. Cheery electro-pop that will get you shifting those feet and dancing along, perfect and sparkely for a sunny afternoon (I stil have my fingers crossed).

Clock Opera
Still flying high up amongst my favourite albums (and beards) of the year, any opportunity to watch this band must always be taken. Full of layers and layers of jerky synths and electro goodness, Clock Opera are a very enjoyable live act.

Remember Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong? Well, three of the members came together to form this band (you can forget them again now). Penned under psyhedelic and shoegaze amongst a jumble of different influences, though a more recent comparison would be The Horrors who the band supported last year.

So whilst it would be nice if summer made an appearance for a couple of days (please), Blissfields is certainly going to be a fantastic weekend, and I hope another festival add to the ‘must return to’ list.

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